lundi 6 septembre 2010

is this really only day two?

today. i woke up under mosquito nets like normal.
ate some bread. and went with some other girls to ile de goree.
we bargained for a cab and it took us FOREVER to get there. 
but we arrived. paid tourist price for the chaloupe across the water. the vessel's name was beer.
we made "friends" with a lady who sold jewelry. walked around the ile until we felt some light drops. 
watching the sky go from light to instant dark and all the fishermen and their boats swarm into harbor.
suddenly trapped under pouring rain we found refuge under some tents with a handful of others.
in two minutes of downfall there was almost three inches of water. wow.
when things lightened up and the ground began to dry we proceeded on with our walk.
intimidated by goats we found another way to the castle.
made some other friends and ate lunch with them.
the food tasted like spaghetti-os. not bad but i wouldn't order it again.
on our way to catch the ferry our former "friend" coerced us to look at her goods and "convinced" us to buy something...
on the ferry some rad dudes were beating some rad beats and belting some rad vocals. 
their instruments and ability to play while the boat rocked rocked on and over...was impressive...
back on the dakar shore our other friends proceeded to help us obtain a good price for a taxi.
and then pawned us off with a Wolof stranger who was going our direction...and proceded to try and finish the job of taxigetting.
about an hour later and some rough traffic we finally caught a cab...and then spent another long while getting home.
so much traffic, everyone was in a hurry and get home before sundown so they could finally eat.
took my first shower...and have never felt so alive.

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